기타 장비

제목Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP5 HD)2020-02-24 17:12
작성자 Level 10
첨부파일UVP.pdf (386.2KB)

실시간 동물플랑크톤 분석기

CTD와 연동하여 동물플랑크톤 연직분포 분석가능

UVP specific features:

- 20 Kg in air

- 500 m rated

- camera, computer, optics, pressure and angle sensors

- Self powered system (option)

- Can be mounted within a CTD frame

- Can be used on moorings for long-term monitoring

구분 규격
Depth 0 to 500 meters
Sample volume 1.02 L per frame (4x20 cm)
Sampling rate up to 20 Hz
Image resolution Acquires objects > 100 µm
UVP Dimension (L) 97 cm
Weight 20 Kg
Interface I/O, Analog input/output